Lemon Icecream


As Big D’s little S I have been subjected to freezing cold sessions at the crank for a number of years now.  However, it’s only recently that I’ve warmed to the art of icecream making and decided to take the plunge and ask the triple motion crew to get me my own trusty machine (thanks go to Peter and Big D for hunting one down). Said instrument was presented to me earlier on today and with Big D close on hand to supervise, we wasted no time in initiating it and me into the world of icecream making.

Normally I am a die-hard vanilla fan but since that had been done before (and very well) I thought I should work on a signature dish.  After a moments pondering I decided should strive for a cool, creamy, supper smooth lemon ice. I am a big fan of lemon and have been making lemon sponge cake for family birthdays for years. It seemed appropriate to carry this on into my fledgling icecream making career.

So under the close eye of Big D, we made up the basic Russell mix (what else!) as follows:

· 2 small eggs (equivalent to 1.5 regular sized eggs)

· 1 cup sugar

· 2 cups double cream

· 2 cups full cream milk

The challenge then was how to get in the lemon flavor with out curdling the mix. I initially thought chucking in the zest would work just fine but then that silky smooth texture I was striving for would be lost. In the end the request flavor was imparted by running a knife over the skin to break the oil pores and carefully mixing in the juice of four lemons, mixing all the time to avoid curdling the mix.

Scraping the surface of the lemons to release the oils

A quick taste test revealed that the procedure to get the aromatic lemon oils into the mix worked well and Big D gave it his seal of approval by combining his two big loves – ice cream and wine…in the one bowl…(maybe a new flavor in the making??)

Doing the washing upBig D having an icecream chabrol

Then came the exciting bit as it was off out to the garden to get churning.

Big D takes a turn at the handle


A short while later the moment of truth arrived and I was like a kid at Christmas as I opened the lid to inspect my first creation. Thankfully the first born was not a black sheep and the final product seemed to have come together in the way I had hoped.

The moment of truth

Mission accomplished

The challenge now will be to get the same results with South African ingredients.

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8 Responses

  1. Peter Gerard says:

    Thanks also go to my dad who sourced the machine and got it shipped over!

    Sounds like a tasty batch. Lemon ice cream is tricky but yummy – it always needs the freshest dairy to avoid curdling…

  2. Big D says:

    I’ll second that – a huge thanks to Walt, you keep the lifeblood of triplemotion flowing.

    I had a close run on the lemon icecream front in Newcastle recently. I was trying to get the oils from the lemon zest by warming the grated zest with the juice before adding it to the mix. Even though the dairy was all absolutely fresh I still almost curdled the mix when I added the warm juice. I guess the combination of a little heat and a lot of acidity just tipped it over the edge.
    The other problem with warming the juice and zest together was that it released pith flavours into the mix which gave the icecream a bit of a bitter aftertaste. This was despite the fact that I used a lemon zester tool and was really carefull not to zest too deeply to cut into the pith.

    My disatisfaction with that batch was why I thought about trying to release the oils from the lemon skin by just scraping its surface – it sort of worked but I think there’s still room for innovation on this one.

  3. Big D says:

    Oh yes, and the chabrol of Jurancon with icecream mix… amazing. I wonder if it would work with champagne?

  4. Thibault says:

    Hooray for Jen, the ice cream frenzy spreads all over the world!

    David, the correct spelling of the gastronomical tip is “Chabrot”. I found this definition in a recipe :

    The Chabrot:
    Before finishing the soup, it is traditional to make chabrot by diluting the remaining soup by pouring a little red wine into the bowl or onto the plate (about ½ glass). Then you drink it out of the bowl or plate in small mouthfuls. It is likely that the root of the word come from the latin capreolus “to drink like a goat” which is what one would emulate drinking from the plate or bowl.

  5. Dr Big D says:

    In that case I want to be re-incarnated as a goat.

  6. Peter Gerard says:

    I don’t think a goat would have your requisite wine budget…

  7. sue says:

    …..”faire chabrot” ou “faire chabrol”?
    Je pense que tous les deux sont correct.
    Sorry about the primitive French but as it a response to Thibault (as well as a defence of Big D) I thought I would give it a try!

  8. Wow, i like lemon sour taste, will make this recipe soon.

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