Tagged: ice cream

Mandarin and lemon ice cream at mid-winter

It came as a bit of a shock looking back to see than my last posting was ‘S’long to South Africa’.  Life has changed quite a bit since then as I have taken a...

Making Ice Cream in the Land of Ice

Close your eyes and think about Antarctica. You will probably think of ice-bergs, pack ice, icy waste lands…generally a whole lot of icy thoughts. This is for good reason as 90% of the world’s ice...

Rooibos and honey ice cream

After some elegant shipping arrangements the ice cream maker so kindly procured for me by the triple motion crew (see last post for detailed thanks) has finally made it to South Africa. Yippee! However,...

Lemon Icecream

As Big D’s little S I have been subjected to freezing cold sessions at the crank for a number of years now.  However, it’s only recently that I’ve warmed to the art of icecream making...

Strawberry Ice Cream

This is one of my favourite recipes and I only make it during the strawberry season, which has recently begun in Scotland. Scottish strawberries are some of the best in the world and when...

Mint Ice Cream

For our Blackford Hill ice cream party we decided to make a mint ice cream to go with the chocolate gelato (or was it chocolate to go with the mint?). Anyway, we had never...