Category: ice cream

Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie

It’s that time of year again. Decorative gourds abound, and people prefer putting pumpkin in their face over putting a face on a pumpkin. While I do love to make pumpkin pie, I usually...

Plum & Vanilla Ice Cream

Staying on this summer’s stone fruit theme, today we made another delicious ice cream. I went to the farmer’s market and grabbed a selection of fresh plums, almost 2 pounds – just enough for...

Fresh Peach Ice Cream

“When life throws you (ripe) peaches, make ice cream.” Truly ripe peaches are a rare delicacy these days. The peaches that are typically sold in the market are usually either too hard or not...

Eggnog Ice Cream Recipe

Merry/happy festive season everyone! 🎄🤶🍦🎅🌟 It’s the time of year for excess and indulgence, so naturally we all need to make ice cream. And what better flavor to celebrate with than an ice cream...

Sage & Brown Butter Ice Cream

Last week I visited Thibault and family in France, which meant we had to crank some ice cream. When discussing flavor ideas, Thibault commented that he had a bunch of fresh sage that needed...

Watermelon & Lime Ice Cream

It’s hot in New York right now, which means it’s ice cream weather. This weekend I wanted to make something super refreshing to combat the heat, and then I spotted some fresh watermelons at...

Brexit Ice Cream

On Thursday, nearly three quarters of eligible voters in Britain (only UK and Irish citizens were allowed to vote) went to the polls and declared with a small majority that they want the UK to...

Escamoles (Ant Larvae) Ice Cream

Last weekend my friend Andreas Johnsen premiered his new documentary BUGS at the Tribeca Film Festival. I was planning an ice cream social for the same day and my friend Aaron suggested we make bugs ice...

Concrete & Rust Ice Cream at Dismaland

Big D, Foad and I were planning a bicycle tour in England a couple weeks ago, and I suggested we try and stop by Dismaland – Banksy’s “bemusement park”, a delightful place that combines...