Author: Thibault

Coconut ice cream

Hi folks, We took a few days off for Easter and went to visit David and Peter in their respective cities. This led to two ice cream experiments, one of them being related here....

Pistachio and Chocolate duet

Howdy folks! This weekend, we realized that we had never seen Celine and Pierre’s ice cream machine, which was sent a few months ago by Walt. We therefore decided to unite what are probably...

Blackcurrant ice-cream and petanque

Every year, in August, Celine’s friends meet  in a small campsite in Ardeche, a warm, hilly and dry region in the center of France, to celebrate the end of the holidays. It’s the occasion...

Watermelon and mint sorbet

Gosh, it’s been so long I haven’t posted anything! This is not due to a decrease in the ice-cream making activity, but rather to a lack of pictures, making posts less interesting. Fortunately, I...

Rhubarb Ice-cream

Back to business! It’s been a while since my last post, but the ice-cream frenzy is still on! Last weekend, my friend Bastien had a few visitors : his brother and his girlfriend, who...

Calisson ice-cream for New Year’s Eve

Calisson ice-cream had been on our mind for a while now, since we got offered a tiny ice-cream recipes book with this one featuring.   Calisson is a small delicacy from the south of...

Heretic litchi and lime sorbet

Charline, a friend of Céline’s, had planned a big party in her new flat on the 14th of February, partly to dance like crazy but also to relieve people from this indigestible tradition that...

Tangerine Sorbet

By Jove, the blog is as rusted as the mechanism of our beloved machines. But it still works! I just wish other crankers would write more often. And I wish I could crank with...

Lemon sorbet

It’s been a while since we’ve made that one, but never too late to write a post! After the more-than-disappointing lemon ice-cream we made in Carbisdale Castle during our Hebridean trip (the lemon juice...