Category: chocolate

Pistachio and Chocolate duet

Howdy folks! This weekend, we realized that we had never seen Celine and Pierre’s ice cream machine, which was sent a few months ago by Walt. We therefore decided to unite what are probably...

Daim Bar Ice Cream at the Fringe

Back for another helping of ice cream and comedy at the Lemoncustard Comedy Club, we followed on the previous week’s successful chocolate chip cookie dough. I don’t often do chunky style ice creams, but...

Hebrides Overture

We are finally publishing Dr. Big D’s travelogue from our Outer Hebridean Ice Cream Adventure. We also produced a short film about this trip that you can see here. Enjoy! Why did we choose...

Chocolate and Coconut Ice Cream

Though our chocolate gelato recipe produces an incredible result, it’s an awful lot of work and takes a long time to prepare and chill before you can freeze it. I eventually decided that there...

Chocolate Gelato

When I was a kid I did not like chocolate ice cream. Strange as it seems now, I didn’t really have any interest in the stuff. If I was given a serving of Neapolitan...