Category: travel

Concrete & Rust Ice Cream at Dismaland

Big D, Foad and I were planning a bicycle tour in England a couple weeks ago, and I suggested we try and stop by Dismaland – Banksy’s “bemusement park”, a delightful place that combines...

Coconut ice cream

Hi folks, We took a few days off for Easter and went to visit David and Peter in their respective cities. This led to two ice cream experiments, one of them being related here....

Maple Syrup and Rum Ice Cream

In celebration of Cheryl’s 30th birthday, I hauled my trusty half-gallon White Mountain freezer down to Brighton on the overnight MegaBus (10 hours of sheer pain!). Despite my sore back and neck, we were...

Making Ice Cream in the Land of Ice

Close your eyes and think about Antarctica. You will probably think of ice-bergs, pack ice, icy waste lands…generally a whole lot of icy thoughts. This is for good reason as 90% of the world’s ice...

Triple motion reaches the Southern Hemisphere!

My wonderful, talented, intrepid Antarctic biologist sister was awarded a PhD by Stellenbosch University for being very clever and hard working. Hurray! My first thought (naturally) was “lets make a batch of icecream to...