We got 4 Stars!

So the Fringe is now pretty much over, and that means no more free ice cream for the foreseeable future…

But we didn’t get away without some praise. “Three Weeks” gave the Lemon Custard Comedy Club a 4-star review. Big up Dee and her comedy minions!

Lemon Custard – Free
Dee Custance / PBH’s Free Fringe
The Free Fringe is always a mixed bag, but it’s free, so you take a gamble, and here, the gamble pays off. Lemon Custard is a brilliant little show, featuring some excellent young stand-ups and superb free home-made ice cream. Dee Custance is a delightful host, very funny, and charming in that eccentrically whimsical and insecure way that seems so fashionable these days. The various acts deliver exuberant, assured comedy that thoroughly entertains. It’s not constantly hilarious, as these guys are a bit raw and obviously trying out some new material, but you’ll be hard pressed to find a better free afternoon in the back room of a pub.
The White Horse, 5, 12, 19 Aug, 2.55pm (3.50pm), free, fpp 72.
tw rating 4/5

Peter Gerard

Peter carried the hand-cranking ice cream tradition from his family in Missouri to Scotland and eventually to New York. He is now likely the biggest importer of White Mountain Freezers to Europe, having imported more than a dozen machines...

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1 Response

  1. 11 August 2009

    […] on last year’s über-successful collaboration between Triple Motion and Lemon Custard Comedy Club, we are back at the Edinburgh […]

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