Category: video

Brexit Ice Cream

On Thursday, nearly three quarters of eligible voters in Britain (only UK and Irish citizens were allowed to vote) went to the polls and declared with a small majority that they want the UK to...

Escamoles (Ant Larvae) Ice Cream

Last weekend my friend Andreas Johnsen premiered his new documentary BUGS at the Tribeca Film Festival. I was planning an ice cream social for the same day and my friend Aaron suggested we make bugs ice...

Concrete & Rust Ice Cream at Dismaland

Big D, Foad and I were planning a bicycle tour in England a couple weeks ago, and I suggested we try and stop by Dismaland – Banksy’s “bemusement park”, a delightful place that combines...

Banjo Cycler

While Thibault is impressing us with his sorbet and ice cream talents, we mustn’t forget his musical skills. Here’s a video clip from our Outer Hebridean Ice Cream Adventure. Check him out. P.S. We...