Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream at the Fringe

Back at the Fringe last week we decided to spice things up a bit for the Lemon Custard Comedy Club.

A few days before, Leo met Steph, a nice Canadian selling cookies, and invited her to combine powers with the White Mountain. I couldn’t help thinking about Ernie and the Cookie Monster sharing milk and cookies back in the day.

So Leo and Steph and I cranked up a classic batch of vanilla ice cream.

And Steph added the cookies.

She has graciously shared her recipe:

Steph’s Cookie Dough

1 cup margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 1/2 cups loose plain flour
200 grams dark chocolate smashed into small pieces

Soften the margarine, so it’s easy to mix, but not runny.  Combine with the sugar first, then vanilla and eggs.  When it’s smooth throw in the flour and salt and baking soda, and don’t loose heart.  The flour seems like it won’t mix in, but you just have to try harder.  Then add the chocolate!

If you want cookies instead of dough, just spoon ’em cookie sized onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake them at 375 F (190 C, fan oven) for 7-9 minutes.

Of course you don’t need to cook them if you’re making ice cream. So just make a lot of little balls of cookie dough and then stir them into the frozen ice cream. Ideally you then freeze for a bit longer to harden up the ice cream before serving. But if you’ve got a room full of anxious comedy-lovers, then just serve it up!

I’ll be back tomorrow with another exciting flavour. Don’t miss it!

Photos by Leo.

Peter Gerard

Peter carried the hand-cranking ice cream tradition from his family in Missouri to Scotland and eventually to New York. He is now likely the biggest importer of White Mountain Freezers to Europe, having imported more than a dozen machines...

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1 Response

  1. Dr Big D says:

    Nice job dude, good to see the 1 & 1/2 gallon freezer at work. Looks like the perfect icecream making weather too. At first glance I thought the cookies dough balls were little brown mushrooms – mmn that puts me in mind of a savoury icecream adventure!

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