Tagged: recipe

Mandarin and lemon ice cream at mid-winter

It came as a bit of a shock looking back to see than my last posting was ‘S’long to South Africa’.  Life has changed quite a bit since then as I have taken a...

Rooibos and honey ice cream

After some elegant shipping arrangements the ice cream maker so kindly procured for me by the triple motion crew (see last post for detailed thanks) has finally made it to South Africa. Yippee! However,...

Raspberry Sorbet

Here’s the last of the four flavours we made on Blackford Hill recently. This Raspberry Sorbet was absolutely delicious – probably one of the best sorbets I’ve ever made! Thibault and Celine hoped to...

Mint Ice Cream

For our Blackford Hill ice cream party we decided to make a mint ice cream to go with the chocolate gelato (or was it chocolate to go with the mint?). Anyway, we had never...

Banoffee Ice Cream

This one is not for the faint-hearted. Literally. This is indeed the richest ice cream we have ever made. Thibault again deserves the credit for the idea, suggesting both toffee and banana for an...

Marzipan Ice Cream

Before the outstanding account of our ice-cream adventures in the Hebrides, here is another recipe we did a few weeks ago and forgot to mention. Last time I was shopping at Real Foods, I...

The Best Pancakes

To accompany the Marzipan Ice Cream, I thought we should publish the best pancake recipe ever! I’m not talking crêpes. These are big, fluffy American-style pancakes. My mom gave me this recipe in her...

Blueberry Sorbet

UPDATE: We recently made a much better Blueberry Sorbet using wild Scottish Blaeberries. Last May Big D took me to the Vintner Rooms in Leith for dinner with his mum… That could be interesting...